Black History Month and the Fight for Civil Rights

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Black History Month and the Fight for Civil Rights par Mind Map: Black History Month and the Fight for Civil Rights

1. If you were a protester during the March on Washington, what would your protest poster say? Use the videos and pictures to help you create your protest poster.

2. Watch the following video to help you understand some of the obstacles African Americans faced during the Civil Rights Movement.

3. Watch Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" Speech. What do you notice about about the area where he did his speech?

3.1. What does Dr. King want people to do?

3.1.1. Wanted equal rights for all people

3.1.2. Wants his children to be judge by their character, not by their skin color

3.1.3. Things have not changed for African Americans since slavery

3.2. In front of Lincoln Memorial. This place looks big!

3.2.1. Very large crowd! Looks crowded!

3.3. How is the crowd responding?

3.3.1. People holding signs

3.3.2. They agree. They want equal rights

3.3.3. Black and White people are there

4. Take a virtual field trip to the Lincoln Memorial where the March on Washington occurred. What do you notice about the size of this location?

4.1. Really big! Just like in the video!

4.2. This was a good place to give a speech. Maybe the president heard it.

5. Look through some of the signs protesters were holding during the Civil Rights Movement.

5.1. What are protesters demanding?

5.2. Who is protesting?

5.3. Why are they protesting?

6. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What events throughout history have African Americans experienced inequality, and why were they fighting for civil rights?