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Money par Mind Map: Money

1. Freewriting

1.1. how to earn it

1.1.1. bussines

1.1.2. working hard

1.1.3. economic market networks individual programms

1.2. how to spend it

1.2.1. children care

1.2.2. family

1.2.3. education

1.2.4. health care

1.3. advantages

1.3.1. happiness

1.3.2. power

1.3.3. privilege of wealth

1.3.4. charity works

1.4. disandvantage

1.4.1. selfishness

1.4.2. no time for your family

1.4.3. doing criminal stuff such as killing people

1.5. types of money in the world

1.5.1. euro

1.5.2. dollrar

1.5.3. yuan

1.5.4. yen

2. illustrate

2.1. definition of money

2.2. examples

2.3. expand

3. mapping

3.1. on paper


4. Material

4.1. information

4.1.1. books

4.1.2. internet

4.1.3. magazine

4.1.4. newspaper

4.1.5. asking friends

5. 5w

5.1. what role plays money in our life

5.2. who,money

5.3. benefits and disadvantage of money

5.4. how to earn it

5.5. how to spend it