Prewriting Techniques

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Prewriting Techniques par Mind Map: Prewriting Techniques

1. 5W

1.1. Who

1.1.1. What WHere

1.1.2. When

2. Mind Mapping

2.1. Think of your general main theme and write that down in the center of the page. i.e. Food

2.2. Figure out sub-themes of your main concept and draw branches to them from the center, beginning to look like a spider web i.e. Meats, Dairy, Breads

2.3. Make sure to use very short phrases or even single words

2.4. Add images to invoke thought or get the message across better

2.5. Try to think of at least two main points for each sub-theme you created and create branches out to those

3. LIsting

3.1. Write every word or phrase that comes to mind about your topic

3.2. As with free writing,do not edit or censor any ideas

3.3. When you are finished,look over the list carefully

4. Freewriting

4.1. Set a Timer for Ten Minutes

4.2. A Transcription of 10 Minutes of Freewriting

4.3. Choose a Few Elements to Develop Into a Story