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Inhorn par Mind Map: Inhorn

1. the global demand for new reproductive technologies

1.1. infectious infertility

1.2. male infertility

1.3. secondary infertility

2. Fertility-Infertility Dialectic and Pronatalism

2.1. fertility and infertility coexist in most places

2.2. in non-western societies the reasons for having children are a more prominent part of life for lower class people

2.3. need of children for social status, labor and life security in old age

3. Gendered suffering and Social stigma

3.1. mental, physical and social strain

3.2. infertile men don't suffer as much as infertile women

3.3. some communities many ostracize the woman from certain groups or activivtes

3.4. some women may not be viewed as fully adults until they produce a child

4. Local Actors in Moral Worlds

4.1. people are challenging their learned morals and beliefs for the possibility of having a child

4.2. if the society or community around doesn't support or use the new technology then it will continue to be judged no matter how helpful it could be

4.3. religion is most important in IVF process in Egypt

5. Adoption Restrictions

5.1. religion

5.2. shame of letting people know the truth behind the adoption

5.3. cultural biases and fears

6. Health Care Seeking

6.1. 1/3 or more visits to the gynecologist has to do with infertility

6.2. people try midwives, herbalists, spiritual healers, diviners and other associated with religious backgrounds

7. The Local in the Global

7.1. the nature of the new technology fitting into a cultural space should be considered

7.2. even tho the new advances are being made the people are still going to use them according to their values