Opinion Writing

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Opinion Writing par Mind Map: Opinion Writing

1. Reason #4

1.1. Wearing School Uniforms enable students to be more punctual.

1.2. School uniforms eliminate the morning chaos many students experience worrying about what to wear.

1.3. School uniforms also save time in the morning and enable students to catch a few extra minutes of sleep.

2. Reason #3

2.1. School uniforms promote school unity and school pride.

2.2. School Uniforms enable the student body to all appear on a level playing field.

2.3. School uniforms help students feel included and accepted by their peers.

3. Conclusion - Restate Your Opinion

3.1. All students would benefit from students wearing uniforms academically and socially.

3.2. A student that wears a uniform to school daily would be better prepared for their school day.

3.3. Uniforms would eliminate peer pressure and promote stronger school pride and unity.

3.4. School uniforms encourage students to focus on academics and school achievement instead of labels and name brands.

4. Introduction - Your Opinion

4.1. Thesis Statement: All students should wear uniforms to school.

4.2. Traditionally favored school uniforms from private and parochial schools are being implemented in many public schools around the country.

4.3. In the 2013 - 2014 school year, one in five public schools required all students to wear a school uniform.

4.4. Students who wear a school uniform have the opportunity to focus on their academics, enhance their school pride, be more punctual and reduce bullying and peer pressure.

5. Reason #1

5.1. Uniforms keep students focused on school work and academics and not their clothing.

5.2. School uniforms enable students to not worry about what they will wear to school.

5.3. School uniforms allow students to focus more on their academics than on what labels other students may be wearing.

6. Reason #2

6.1. Wearing the same clothes reduce peer pressure and bullying.

6.2. School uniforms eliminate focus on labels and latest fashion trends.

6.3. Students wearing school uniforms create a level playing field for the entire student body eliminating bullying.