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Assessments par Mind Map: Assessments

1. 1. Performance

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. This requires students to perform an individual task instead of answering questions from a selected format

1.2. Examples

1.2.1. Portfolios

1.2.2. Demonstrations

2. 2. Diagnostic

2.1. Definition

2.1.1. This is the form of a pre-assessment that allows the teacher to determine the students individual strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills

2.2. Examples

2.2.1. Journal Responses

2.2.2. Graphic Organizers

3. 3. Interim/Benchmark

3.1. Defintion

3.1.1. Periodic testing throughout the year. It is low level and provides little to none student feedback.

3.2. Examples

3.2.1. Projects

3.2.2. Written Assignments

4. 4. Formative

4.1. Definition

4.1.1. The process of gathering evidence of student learning. It also a way of providing feedback and chance to adjust instruction.

4.2. Examples

4.2.1. Quiz

4.2.2. Discussion

5. 5. Summative

5.1. Defintion

5.1.1. It is the end of a large chunk of learning and a review of what you'll want to do

5.2. Examples

5.2.1. Final Exams

5.2.2. Research Projects

6. H.O.T. Questions

6.1. Opening Questions

6.1.1. When would we use perimeter in the real world?

6.2. Guiding Questions

6.2.1. What differences exist between area and perimeter?

6.2.2. What equation can you use to show perimeter?

6.3. Closing Questions

6.3.1. What is the most important thing to remember about perimeter?

6.3.2. How can you justify your answer to a word problem using perimeter?