Competing in the global context

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Competing in the global context par Mind Map: Competing in the global context

1. Marketing

1.1. Campaigns

1.1.1. Adapting to the local society

1.2. Increased marketing team

1.3. Cost

1.3.1. Increased budget

1.4. Establishing the brand

1.5. Target market

1.5.1. Age group

2. Supply chain

2.1. Suppliers

2.2. Delivery process

2.3. Manufactoring

2.4. Cost effective

2.5. Systems

2.5.1. Business management strategies

3. Competitors

3.1. Substitutes

3.2. Offering a bigger discount

3.3. Competitor already established in the location of expansion

3.3.1. Brand loyalty

3.4. A gap in the market

4. Ethical issues

4.1. Treat customers fairly

4.2. Act locally

4.3. Beliefs of consumers

5. Social factors

5.1. Social influence

5.1.1. Style Age Icons

5.2. Establish what clothing is socially acceptable to wear in the location

6. Exchange rates

6.1. VAT

6.2. Rates fluctuating

6.2.1. Profits decrease

6.3. Pricing strategy

7. Branding

7.1. Logo

7.2. Image

7.3. values

7.4. Global recognition

7.4.1. Think globally and act locally

8. Technological factors

8.1. Systems to deal with high demand

8.2. Advancements

8.3. Cost

9. Human resources

9.1. Employee growth

9.2. More individuals working on a project

9.3. Retraining

10. Geographical factors

10.1. Climate

10.2. Establish a need for a product to suit weather conditions

10.3. Distribution

10.4. Natural resources