Teachers will understand and have confidence in Nearpod as an interactive tool in the classroom.

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Teachers will understand and have confidence in Nearpod as an interactive tool in the classroom. par Mind Map: Teachers will understand and have confidence in Nearpod as an interactive tool in the classroom.

1. Teachers will be able to identify student-response tools in Nearpod to support student engagement and motivation.

1.1. BLaST Member will lead teachers in a lesson that showcases several student-response tools in Nearpod. Teachers will participate as students in the lesson.

1.1.1. Teachers will participate in the following student-response tools: Polls, Quizzes, Written Responses, Draw-It, and Fill in the Blank.

2. Teachers will understand what Virtual Reality is and how to utilize VR headsets in classroom.

2.1. BLaST Member will lead teachers through example lesson he used in classroom with mini-stations.

2.1.1. Mini Station 1: Virtual Reality headsets: Teachers will get to have a virtual field trip based on the example lesson and view the VR through a headset.

2.1.2. Mini Station 2: Teachers will join example lesson and see 360 degree photo that correlates with VR field trip.

2.1.3. Mini Station 3: Teachers will view student work based on example lesson to see the completion of the lesson.

3. Teachers will be able to express what Nearpod is as a tool and how it can be used in the classroom.

3.1. Train BLaST (Blended Learning Support Team) members about Nearpod and each station for the training.

3.1.1. Teachers will rotate in the different stations to learn about: Digital Citizenship lessons, how to become Nearpod certified, Virtual Reality, student-response options, and an example lesson. Teachers will learn about Nearpodize Google Extension. Teachers will view the "Explore Lessons" section of Nearpod for future lessons.

3.2. Send pre-training instructions to Nearpod created self-paced webinar as a ticket IN the door to training.

4. Teachers will know how to add Digital Citizenship lessons to library and facilitate lessons during Digital Citizenship Week.

4.1. Teachers will participate in instructor-led station about where the Digital Citizenship lessons are and how to add them in the library.

4.2. Teachers will receive email from R. Lawley with detailed instructions on how to access Digital Citizenship reports and send them in.

4.3. Teachers will have small group training time to walk through example lessons and pick which lessons to teach.