Team Nemo NIM Graduation Celebration

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Team Nemo NIM Graduation Celebration par Mind Map: Team Nemo NIM Graduation Celebration

1. Win a Goldfish

1.1. My kids did this, and we had the fish for many years:)

2. Theme/dress up

2.1. Ugliest Fish Costume

2.1.1. we could just eat the costume they would taste better

2.2. Mermaids & Mermen

2.3. Pet-human look alike contest

3. Exotic fish food

3.1. Calimari Recipe

3.2. Assorted Sushi

3.3. Lobster rolls

3.4. Let's not forget those goldfish crackers

4. Entertainment: "Finding Nemo" stage show

4.1. Karaoke

4.2. Bring in Disney cast

4.3. Follow up with "Nemo" trivia game: Name one of the shapes the school of fish make, What's the niece's name?

5. Beverages

5.1. Blue gatorade with frozen swedish fish

5.2. Finding Nemo cocktail

5.3. fish-shaped ice cubes

5.4. Fishie cups, straws, cocktail napkins

6. Pet games/play area

6.1. Pet relay races

6.1.1. Yes, or an obstacle course

6.2. Frisbee catching contest

6.3. Pet tricks

6.4. How about some rabbit races with beagles?

7. Music it is:)

7.1. How about some music? Maybe the beach boys are available.

7.2. "Under the sea" - I know, that's from "Little Mermaid," not "Nemo";)

7.3. "Hootie and the Blowfish" tracks