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Factors par Mind Map: Factors

1. social

1.1. One King who took great involvement in the supernatural universe was King James I of England. who was besides King James VI of Scotland. King James came onto the throne in 1603. In 1590. a group of enchantresss allegedly attempted to kill him. Their program had been to poison the male monarch with frog venom and to raise a storm to drop the king’s ship. King James was fascinated by witchery and even wrote a book called Demonology. which of class focused on the supernatural. Macbeth was purportedly performed before the King in 1606. On a visit to Oxford. three enchantresss approached King James. They hailed him as the descendent of Banquo ; Banquo ne’er existed in existent life. Banquo was created simply to rise the immorality within Macbeth that drove him to slay. Shakespeare was cognizant of his audience so he made Banquo an alleged ascendant of King James I to capture non merely the populace. but the King every bit good.

2. political

2.1. Macbeth most clearly reflects the playwright’s close relationship with the sovereign. In focusing on Macbeth, a figure from Scottish history, Shakespeare paid homage to his king’s Scottish lineage. Additionally, the witches’ prophecy that Banquo will found a line of kings is a clear nod to James’s family’s claim to have descended from the historical Banquo. In a larger sense, the theme of bad versus good kingship, embodied by Macbeth and Duncan, respectively, would have resonated at the royal court, where James was busy developing his English version of the theory of divine right.

3. cultural

3.1. Directors may set Macbeth in modern times in order to show how relevant the ideas in it are to us today. This often works well but may be difficult to present the witches in a realistic and believable manner as the culture of the audiences may differ. For example, Haiti, a culture where people believe strongly in magic, so the witch scenes will be much easier to do.

4. religious

4.1. The idea of the theme of religion and witchcraft fitting into the play was also to please King James I as he was interested in witchcraft. The majority of people living in Shakespeare’s time were Christians and they believed that if you lived a good life, you would go to Heaven and if you were bad in life, you would go to Hell