Proficiency Strands

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Proficiency Strands par Mind Map: Proficiency Strands

1. Problem Solving

1.1. Problem Situations

1.1.1. Make choices

1.1.2. Interpret

1.1.3. Formulate

1.1.4. Model

1.1.5. Investigate

1.1.6. Communicate solutions effectively

1.2. Formulate and Solve Problems

1.2.1. Design investigations

1.2.2. Plan their approaches

1.2.3. Apple existing strategies

1.2.4. Seek solutions

1.2.5. Verify their answers are reasonabe

1.2.6. Use mathematics to represent situations Familiar Unfamiliar

2. Reasoning

2.1. Develop Sophistication Capacity

2.1.1. Logical Thoughts and Actions Analysing Proving Evaulating Explaining Inferring Justifying

2.2. Reasoning Mathematically

2.2.1. Explain thinking

2.2.2. Justify strategies used

2.2.3. Justify conclusions

2.2.4. Adapt the known to the unknown

2.2.5. Transfer learning from one context to another

2.2.6. Prove something 'true' or 'false'

2.2.7. Compare and contrast related ideas

2.2.8. Explain choices

3. Understanding

3.1. Student's Knowledge

3.1.1. Adaptable

3.1.2. Transferable

3.2. Make Connections

3.2.1. Between related ideas

3.2.2. Apply to new ideas

3.3. Develop Understanding

3.3.1. Why

3.3.2. How

3.4. Student's Build Understanding

3.4.1. Connect related ideas

3.4.2. Represent concepts in different ways

3.4.3. Indentidy commonalites & differences

3.4.4. Describe their thinking

3.4.5. Interpret mathematic information

4. Fluency

4.1. Student's Develop Skills

4.1.1. Choosing appropriate procedures

4.1.2. Carrying out procedures Flexibly Accurately Efficiently Appropriately

4.1.3. Recall factual knowledge and concepts

4.2. Student's Are Fluent

4.2.1. Calculate answers

4.2.2. Recognise robust ways of answering questions

4.2.3. Choose appropriate methods and approximations

4.2.4. Recall definitions

4.2.5. Regularly use facts

4.2.6. Manipulate expression and equations to find solutions