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Spanish par Mind Map: Spanish

1. Vocabulary

1.1. Introducing Ourselves

1.2. Greetings

1.3. Addressing Others

1.4. Classroom Instructions

1.5. Alphabet

1.6. Numbers

1.7. Family Members

1.8. Age & Date of Birth

1.9. Days of the Week

1.10. Months of the Year

1.11. Date & Time

1.12. Etc.

2. Grammar

2.1. Conjugation

2.1.1. Llamarse

2.1.2. To be (Ser y Estar)

2.1.3. Present-tense Verbs

2.1.4. Etc.

3. General

3.1. Level

3.1.1. Beginner Spanish

3.2. Teacher

3.2.1. Ms. Cabrera

4. Tools Used

4.1. Book

4.2. Notebooks

4.3. Dictionary

4.4. Worksheets

4.5. Movies

4.6. Tapes