Kinark Child and Family Services

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Kinark Child and Family Services par Mind Map: Kinark Child and Family Services

1. Clhild care services

2. Services

3. Vision: "A healthy future for Ontario’s children and youth. Kinark is committed to helping children and youth with complex needs achieve better life outcomes."

3.1. Locations:

3.1.1. Durham

3.1.2. Northumberland

3.1.3. Peterborough

3.1.4. Simcoe

3.1.5. York Region

4. Goals of Kinark: are not clearly outlined on the website.

5. Equity

5.1. How does the agency address equity? I don't feel that the agency addresses equity enough. It does speak to disability issues by addressing how it is an accessible service and how "the services are provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities". However, there is no other mention of diversity or an Indigenous education or mental health strategy.

6. Contact

7. outdoor education

7.1. Respite services

7.1.1. Residential camping

7.1.2. Outdoor education

7.1.3. Recreational programming

7.1.4. Community building

8. Clinical

8.1. Child and Youth Mental Health

8.1.1. In Home Services Intensive treatment services for high-needs families

8.1.2. At Kinark Offices Individual Group Family

8.1.3. Residential Treatment

8.1.4. In School

8.2. Autism Services

8.2.1. Evidence-based, family-centred behaviour analytic services, including intensive intervention. Individualized treatment plans are developed for each child/youth to meet their unique needs across all developmental stages. Treatment planning is done in close collaboration with parents/caregivers and other autism service providers. N.B. Kinark is currently working with the Ministry of Children and Youth Services and its community partners toward the full implementation of the new OAP, which is expected to be fully operational by the spring 2018.

8.3. Forensic Mental Health

8.3.1. Court ordered Assessments

8.3.2. Intensive Treatment

8.3.3. Reintegrative Services