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Quality par Mind Map: Quality

1. Defects & Escalations

1.1. Missing/Incorrect information

1.1.1. LDW

1.1.2. Outplacement

1.1.3. Notification Date

1.2. System Incorrectly updated

2. Better Communication

2.1. Payroll

2.2. Benefits

2.3. HRGs

3. New Severance tool

3.1. Data Validation Required

3.2. Information not accurate

3.2.1. Package Audit

3.2.2. Self Audit

4. Agreement

4.1. Language Barriers

4.2. Better understanding

4.2.1. .

4.3. Legal Changes

5. Personnel

5.1. Lack of training

5.2. Lack of experience

5.3. High Volume