Evolution of Cooperation

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Evolution of Cooperation par Mind Map: Evolution of Cooperation

1. Culture

1.1. Recognition

1.2. Trust/Reputation

1.3. Authority/Adverse Consequences

1.4. Language/Symbology

1.5. Religion

1.6. Artifacts

1.7. Learning

1.8. Institutions

1.9. Geographical/Physical Environment

1.10. Reliable Reciprocity

2. Biology

2.1. Geographical/Physical Environment

3. Mechanisms

3.1. Direct Reciprocity

3.1.1. "You help me, and I help you."

3.2. Indirect Reciprocity

3.2.1. "I help you, somebody helps me."

3.3. Spacial Selection

3.3.1. Neighbors help each other.

3.4. Group Selection

3.4.1. Tribes and common goods.

3.5. Kin Selection

3.5.1. Interaction occurs between genetic relatives

4. Group Selection

4.1. Reciprocity

4.1.1. Grooming

4.2. Cooperators/SuperCooperators

4.3. Group Size

4.4. Group Formation

5. List of Stuff

5.1. Agent Based Models

5.2. Heuristics/Rules of Thumb

5.3. Expatation

5.4. Latent Ties

5.5. Fitness: Variation & Selection