The Good Life (Education for Self Fulfillment)

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The Good Life (Education for Self Fulfillment) par Mind Map: The Good Life (Education for Self Fulfillment)

1. Play

1.1. Playwork

1.2. Games and Game Design

1.3. Playground Design

2. Philosophy and Reflection

3. Education

3.1. Team Building

3.2. Outdoor Recreation

3.3. Challenges (Intellectual, Emotional, Physical, Intellectual)

3.4. Experiential Education

4. Storytelling and Narrative Media

4.1. Video Games

4.2. Animation

4.3. Film

4.4. T.V.

4.5. Literature

4.6. Sequential Art

4.7. Children's Literature

4.8. Music

4.9. Podcasts

4.10. Board Games

5. Interactive Museums and Sculpture Parks

6. Immersive Theatre

7. Placemaking

7.1. Architecture

7.2. Design

8. Self Improvement

9. Hobbies

9.1. Maker Movement

10. Positive Psychology

10.1. Peak Experiences

10.2. Flow

10.3. Self Actualization

11. Leisure

11.1. Travel and Tourism

11.2. Hospitality

12. Service and Altruism

13. Event Planning

14. Facilitation