Copy of how drinking could effect your future.

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Copy of how drinking could effect your future. par Mind Map: Copy of how drinking could effect your future.

1. Death

1.1. Alcohol is a substance that can make you confused and drowsy which can cause you to do something you'll regret or put someone else hurt. Alcohol a depressant? Or is it a stimulant? Could it be both? Find out here.

1.1.1. At least 28 people die per day in the U.S. in alcohol related car accidents.

1.1.2. Drinking under age can also cause many types of cancers in the parts of the body you need such as the liver or colon

2. Relationships

2.1. alcohol could cause separation from family and friends

2.2. drinking is one of the top 20 reasons why relationships fail.

2.2.1. alcohol can ruin romantic relationships

3. Jail

3.1. Underage drinking can get you 2 days in jail although there is an exception.

3.2. For underage drinking you also get anywhere from a 500 to 5,000 dollar fine. a site about the consequences of drinking underage

3.3. Sometimes based on the age of the offender you can go to real prison not just juvenile detention centers. a sit about what types of cancer drinking can cause.

4. Health

4.1. Drinking can also cause mouth, throat esophagus, liver, and colon cancer.

4.1.1. Drinking can cause heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems

4.2. Alcohol is a depressant meaning it slows your heart down and can slow in down so much that your heart stops beating.