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Semiotics - Signs par Mind Map: Semiotics - Signs

1. Structural properties:

1.1. paradigmatic and syntagmatic structures

1.1.1. SSP

2. Non-verbal communication:

2.1. Proxemixs

2.2. Kinesics

2.2.1. Gestures

2.2.2. eye contact

2.2.3. Facial expressions

2.3. Dance

3. Basic Notions:

3.1. Semiosis (the ability to produce and understand signs).

3.2. A sign is aything that creates meaning.

3.2.1. Signifier - Signified

3.3. Semiotic (the scientific study of science).

3.3.1. Objecti and objective

4. Types of signs:

4.1. Symptom

4.1.1. A sign/ mark of disease

4.2. Signal

4.2.1. Like honey-bees's dance

4.3. Icon

4.3.1. Resemblence to the signified

4.4. Index

4.4.1. Shows evidence of signified.

4.5. Symbol

4.5.1. No resemblance between the signifier and the signified. (Words)

4.6. Name

4.6.1. Used to identify a person