TEL as an educational project

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TEL as an educational project par Mind Map: TEL as an educational project

1. goals

1.1. why?

1.1.1. Individual approaches and self-orientated education

1.1.2. enchanced opportunities

1.1.3. labor-market needs

1.1.4. political challenges

1.1.5. real needs of daily life

1.1.6. technology expansion at different areas of human activity

1.1.7. innovation

1.2. for what?

1.2.1. quality of study

1.2.2. improving educational process

1.2.3. upgreading skills

1.2.4. e-competence

1.2.5. improving of efficiency

2. where?

2.1. School education

2.2. Higher education

2.3. vocational learning

2.4. Adult learning

2.5. Learning at the workplace

2.6. Informal and self-directed learning

3. how?

3.1. Collaboration and networking

3.1.1. Networking and sharing

3.1.2. Strategic approach to communication

3.1.3. Partnership of participants

3.2. Management

3.3. Support

3.3.1. Methodological

3.3.2. Technological

3.3.3. Administrative-organisational support

3.3.4. Help\support for teachers and learners

3.4. Assignment

3.4.1. Speciefic assignment tools

3.4.2. Engaging assessment formats

3.4.3. Fairy and openly assignment process

4. progress

4.1. Continuing professional and staffdevelopment

4.2. Analises of process and incomes

4.3. improving of learner's skills

5. what?

5.1. advanced pedagogical approaches and new teacher's roles

5.2. digital competence of staff and students


5.3.1. innovative paradigm for teachers

5.3.2. designing TEL -curricula or redisign

5.3.3. OER for TEL

6. who?

6.1. teachers

6.2. learners

6.3. government

6.4. communities

6.5. stakeholders

6.6. business

6.7. other interested participants

7. incomes

7.1. Streinghts\Opportunities

7.2. Weakless\Threats

8. issues

8.1. mission\ vision\ strategy

8.2. implementation

8.3. management

8.4. governance model