One to one device schemes in elementary school classrooms

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One to one device schemes in elementary school classrooms par Mind Map: One to one device schemes in elementary school classrooms

1. My particular interests

1.1. Intermediate grades 4-7

1.2. Canada and United Kingdom

2. Questions to investigate

2.1. Which scheme?

2.1.1. BYOD?

2.1.2. One specific device needed

2.2. Which device?

2.2.1. iPads

2.2.2. Cromebookes

2.2.3. Other tablets

3. Will a one to one device scheme improve student learning?

3.1. What does the research show?

4. Potential benefits

4.1. Self regulated learners

4.2. Greater chances for differentiation

4.3. Creating love for learning that goes beyond the classroom

4.4. Move away from teaching content and towards focus on core skills

4.4.1. Problem solving

4.4.2. Collaboration

4.4.3. Critical thinking

4.5. Collaborative learning opportunities

4.6. Individualised learning environments

4.6.1. Increased opportunities for differentiation

5. Potential limitations

5.1. Access and equality

5.2. Lack of teacher uptake

5.2.1. Lack of adequate professional development

5.3. IT issues

5.4. Inappropriate usage of devices

6. Younger students having more responsibility online

6.1. Digital citizenship becoming increasingly important early on