The Internet and effective internet searching

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The Internet and effective internet searching par Mind Map: The Internet and effective internet searching

1. 6. The Internet has immense potential for transforming the way students learn and the way teacher teach - if everybody involved knows how to access the Web's awesome resources.

2. 7. Each search engine looks for information a little bit differently. One of the best ways to learn how to search effectively is to read the help files located on each search engine's Web site.

3. 8. Search engines are constantly changing and evolving. That means they add new features and remove others. You need to stay current with the changes, or you'll find your lesson and your student's results might not be as targeted and comprehensive as time goes by.

4. 9. One of the most important information literacy skills for students is learning how to critically evaluate information found on the Web.

5. 10. If you'd like to limit your searches to a specific domain, such as .edu, .org, .gov, and more, you can use the site: command to accomplish this. This works in most popular search engines and is a great way to narrow your searches to a very particular level.

6. 1. Clarify - What are you looking for? Brainstorm questions, keywords, synonyms.

7. 2. Search - Try simple terms. Be more specific. Use quotation marks.

8. 3. Delve - Look beyond the first few results. Consider the URL.

9. 4. Evaluate - Don't believe everything you read. Check 2-3 sources.

10. 5. Cite - Write information in your own words or quote. Say who/where it's from.