Activity 6 Irene Agudelo

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Activity 6 Irene Agudelo par Mind Map: Activity 6 Irene Agudelo

1. .

1.1. She does yoga.

2. DO

2.1. .

2.1.1. I do the housework in the mornings.

2.2. .

2.2.1. The children do their homework in the evenings.

2.3. .

2.4. .

2.4.1. She has to do the shopping.

2.5. .

2.5.1. She has to do the cooking.


3.1. .

3.1.1. You make me happy.

3.2. .

3.2.1. Wine makes me sleepy.

3.3. .

3.3.1. Salt makes you thirsty.

3.4. .

3.4.1. She makes her own clothes.

3.5. .

3.5.1. She has to make coffee