A Rough Face Girl

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A Rough Face Girl par Mind Map: A Rough Face Girl

1. Create foldable about the Native American Culture

2. Discuss with students the types of homes Native Americans live in.

2.1. Think, Pair, Share, about where they live and what types of things might have had an impact on their home.

3. Create teepees out of construction paper.

4. Fill in a Map of Alabama's 4 major Native American groups.

5. Create a piece of a pattern quilt with card stock and markers.

6. Read about the Trail of Tears. Informative Writing Activity.

7. STEM challenge. Students will use select materials to create Native American Homes of their choice.

8. Listen to other Native American folktales, listen to Native American Music.

9. read aloud of The Rough Face Girl.

10. Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Cinderella and The Rough Face Girl.

11. Read aloud "Shota And The Star Quilt"

12. Talk about geographical features that play apart of what times of homes Native Americans Built.

13. Mystery Cards Activitiy