The Collaborative Classroom

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The Collaborative Classroom par Mind Map: The Collaborative Classroom

1. In my opinion...knowing lots of content means nothing if you can't also be a critical thinker about the world around you, and work and collaborate with others. Being a good person matters as much (if not more) as how much you "know."

2. The kind of "urban factory model" structure we have can make social and emotional growth difficult.

2.1. =it is punitive, students see many teachers for a brief amount of time, teachers schedules to not allow for collaboration, they see too many students in one year

3. Examples of action today: teams of teachers teach students for over two years at a time, every student has an advisor (who has 15 students total and meets with parents and students regularly) and there is a focus on teamwork and group work

4. The library is a great place to collaborate, tech tools and computers allow students to collaborate in new ways (across classrooms, states and countries!)

5. I was recently at a meeting in which it was shared that HCPSS is considering/debating how to integrate social and emotional standards into curriculum and assessment (

6. Social and emotional learning must be present in academic settings

7. We need to support students AND teachers be emotional learners

8. What does this look like? Students "work in groups on hard problems that need creative solutions that require problem solving" Like we do as adults!

9. Teamwork makes the dream work.