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English par Mind Map: English

1. Elements of Literature

1.1. The wise old woman

1.2. Broken chain

1.3. Memory of Matter of Brain and Brown

2. Books

2.1. Stargirl

2.1.1. Test

2.1.2. Discussions

2.1.3. Assignements Good Deeds Continuation of Stargirl

2.1.4. book report

2.2. The Giver

2.2.1. Book Report

2.2.2. Test

2.2.3. Play

3. Terms

3.1. Punctuation

3.1.1. Commas

3.2. grammar

3.2.1. Nouns

3.2.2. Verbs

3.2.3. adverbs

3.2.4. adjectives

3.2.5. New node