Methods to Organize Research

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Methods to Organize Research par Mind Map: Methods to Organize Research

1. Mind Maps

1.1. MindMeister

1.2. Free Mind

1.3. Mind Manager

2. Web/PDF Clippers

2.1. EverNote

3. Research Tools

3.1. Onflio

3.1.1. discontinued?

3.1.2. bought by MSFT

3.1.3. available only in Live toolbar?

4. Want to reduce amount of printed articles

4.1. content viewed

4.1.1. web-pages

4.1.2. PDFs

4.1.3. Word docs

4.2. avoid printing

4.3. work with content

4.3.1. highlight

4.3.2. annotate

4.3.3. tag

4.3.4. search across

4.3.5. reference