Assessment in PYP

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Assessment in PYP par Mind Map: Assessment in PYP

1. Recording: how do we collect or analyse the data?

1.1. Assessment strategies

1.1.1. Observations

1.1.2. Performance assessments

1.1.3. Process-focused assessments

1.1.4. Selected responses

1.1.5. Open-ended tasks

1.2. Assessment tools

1.2.1. Rubrics

1.2.2. Exemplars

1.2.3. Checklists

1.2.4. Anecdotal records

1.2.5. Continuums

1.3. Portfolios

2. Reporting: how to communicate assessment?

2.1. Conferences

2.1.1. Teacher-students

2.1.2. Teacher-parents

2.1.3. Student-led

2.1.4. Three-way

2.2. The written report

2.3. The exhibition

2.3.1. Final year of PYP

2.3.2. Collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry

3. Assessing: how do we know what students have learned?

3.1. Exemplar student work

3.2. Evidence of students' understanding and thinking

3.3. Documenting leaning process

3.4. Reflecting

3.5. Self-assessment

3.6. Rubrics

3.7. Records of results