African Resistance

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African Resistance par Mind Map: African Resistance

1. Who colonized Africa

1.1. England

1.2. France

1.3. Belgium

1.4. Germany

2. Social Darwinism

2.1. Natural selection of people

3. Berlin Conference (1884-1885)

3.1. 1) Gold found in Africa

3.2. 2) No European wants to be left behind

3.3. 3) 14 countries meet and divide Africa among themselves

3.4. 4) Europeans felt they can decide Africa's fate

3.5. 5) In 1914, on Liberia and Ethiopia free from colonization

3.6. 6) demand for more raw material

3.6.1. plantations and dependency of one crop for export

4. Methods of Conquest

4.1. Protectorates

4.2. Colonies

4.3. Control by business

4.4. Establish fear of influence

5. Resistance

5.1. Unsuccessful besides Liberia and Ethiopia

5.1.1. Ethiopia Emperor Manilik II played Italy, France, and British against each other

5.1.2. Liberia Formed by former slaves

6. Positive Impacts

6.1. Railroads

6.2. Schools and hospitals

7. Negative Impacts

7.1. Lost freedom

7.2. Lost culture

7.3. Lost control

7.4. Lost religion

7.5. Lost language

8. Causes for Colonization

8.1. Industrial revolution caused Europeans to seek cheaper natural resources

8.2. Europeans competed for new markets

8.3. Africa seen as resources for both

9. Imperialism

9.1. The extension of a country's power through the use of force and diplomacy

10. What made Africa vulnerable to colonization

10.1. Many ethnic groups

10.1.1. not united easy to control

10.2. Fighting and unrest between tribes and clans

10.3. Superior European technology

10.3.1. European Advantages guns steam engine railroads easy traveling

11. Social/Religious motives

11.1. Convert people to Christianity

11.2. "Bring" civilization to Africans

11.3. Social darwinism

11.3.1. Europeans were higher up

12. Colonial Management

12.1. Direct

12.1.1. Country controls colony

12.2. Indirect

12.2.1. Original leaders in charge, not the country