Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan

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Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan par Mind Map: Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan

1. 2006 National Disaster Management Ordinance

1.1. Institutional Shortcomings

1.1.1. Clarity of Definitions

1.1.2. Identification of stakeholders

1.1.3. Command & Control

1.1.4. Delegation of Power to Provisional level

1.1.5. Authority to declare disaster

1.1.6. Use of resources

1.1.7. Priority of aid for particular Geographical area

2. Pre NDMA Framework

2.1. Restrictive and reactive Scope

2.2. No early warning ---- failure of Emergency services deployment

2.3. Absence of National level resilience -- poor response of stakeholders

3. Post NDMA Ordinance Practical Shortcomings

3.1. Lack of role clarity

3.2. Less resources

3.2.1. Agencies reluctant to pool resources

3.2.2. Accountability issues due to bureaucratic chain

3.3. Administrative authority issues

3.4. Political Leadership issues