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Routine 18-19 par Mind Map: Routine 18-19

1. Dance

1.1. different levels and transitions

1.2. catchy song

1.3. Three 8 counts!

2. Pyramid

2.1. front and/or back flips

2.2. twisting stunt and twisting dismounts

2.3. side supermans?

2.4. quick fast pace two stunts going at all times

3. Sequence

3.1. Double ups

3.2. High to highs

3.3. Fast teddy bear to 1 1/2

3.4. twisting DISMOUNT

3.5. reverse cradle dismount

3.6. elevation to arabesque

4. Cheer

4.1. signs

4.2. mega

4.3. poms

4.4. chair sits

4.5. quick toss

4.6. Basket?