sexual health

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sexual health par Mind Map: sexual health

1. Announcements

2. an adult like appearance is an indication of reproductive capacity as well as signs new behaviour relating to sexual feelings and interests are emerging

3. Adolescence -a period of development when the body has the most rapid change in physical growth. restructuring of social roles, expectations and relationship within the family ,peer group,and school environment

3.1. an * aspect of developmental experiences of adolescence is the formation of sexual -identity and sense of self as a sexual being

3.2. emotional liability and arousal associated with hormonal changes.

4. data on the interactions between sexual experience and health and wellbeing are not available to inform and guide policy agendas

4.1. data on the interactions between sexual experience and health and wellbeing are not available to inform and guide policy agendas

4.2. Sexual violence, pleasure, and satisfaction should be routinely incorporated in sexual health datasets, as both explanatory variables and outcomes in studies of sexual behaviour, and as endpoints in trials of the effectiveness of sexual health interventions.

4.3. The subordination of the female to the male in sexuality as well as in all aspects of life has been a part of the Catholic tradition

5. The ubiquity of the internet as a source of sexual contacts and communication, the growth of sex tourism, and increased access to pornography are setting new expectations of sexual conduct.

5.1. From earliest times the woman was identified with the bodily, the corporeal, the emotiona

6. media representations of sexual expression are helping to create new and sometimes unhelpful norms. An important, but generally unrecognised, function of sexual behaviour research is to correct myths and misinformation, and to counter unhelpful and unrealistic expectations by revealing normative ranges of behaviour.

6.1. Catholic emphasis on synthesis, unity, and the hierarchical ordering necessary to bring about societal unity also influenced the subordinate role given to women.

6.2. Marriage and family form a very significant social human community. Here too there is need for cohesiveness and unity which according to the Catholic tradition are brought about by a hierarchical ordering

6.3. The general rule was that sexuality existed for the purpose of procreation within a permanent and indissoluble marriage

6.3.1. Marriage is an indissoluble partnership for sharing marital life and love.