Sailing from scratch!

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Sailing from scratch! par Mind Map: Sailing from scratch!

1. Strategic Planning

2. Reference Page

2.1. Websites similar to learning sailing!


2.1.2. Learn to Sail 101

2.1.3. The Beginner's Guide To Sailing

3. Resource Page

3.1. We will offer anything you need in order to help get out on the water!

3.1.1. There will be a place for when you have a questions or any concerns to be answered for you!

4. About

4.1. The about page will go into more detail about small important things that you'll need to know when sailing.

4.1.1. When sailing on open waters, there are many things you need to take into consideration. The first thing you need to realize is you are powered by the wind, so it is not that easy to go anywhere you'd like to go.

4.1.2. The terms of sailing are very important as well. As a skipper, you need to be able to tell your crew what you are thinking of doing.

5. Contact Page

5.1. If you have any questions or anything regarding the website, feel free to ask!

5.1.1. My email address is [email protected]

5.1.2. My phone number is (231) - 360- 8203

6. Share Stories!

6.1. If you are an experienced sailer, please share stories with us!

6.1.1. There will be a link to a google post with comments and stories for other people to read!

6.1.2. Share fun experiences or scary experiences that you have had on the water if you'd like! A good story with sailing is always great to read!

7. Home

7.1. We are going to try and help you get started with sailing! This website is going to cover every thing you need to prepare for before sailing to everything you need to know during sailing!

7.1.1. Before you go out sailing, there are many things you need to prepare for incase of emergencies and also just small things, like checking sails!

7.1.2. During sailing there are also things you need to be ready for. Sailing can be a bit scary at moments, but if you are prepared for something to happen, it will not be as scary!