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Halgai To, AZ par Mind Map: Halgai To, AZ

1. Home

1.1. An introduction to my website.

1.2. -History and brief description of Halgai To

1.2.1. I can include pictures and videos

2. About

2.1. An informational website about where I am from.

2.1.1. I can use Weebly's tools on the side to create what I want my website to look like.

3. Contact

3.1. My phone number, gmail, and social media( Instagram, facebook etc.)

3.1.1. I can put links in, that goes straight to my social media pages.

4. Resources

4.1. Most resources are verbal, the information about this land has not been written.

4.1.1. I can put videos of people telling stories about the land, experiences etc.