Drawbacks of using ICT in English language teaching

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Drawbacks of using ICT in English language teaching par Mind Map: Drawbacks of using ICT in English language teaching

1. Low Income Groups

1.1. poor Internet access at public schools

1.2. no computers / no Internet accession at home

1.3. Solutions: - keep computer labs open for longer hours - encourage the use of computers at public libraries

2. Preparation Time

2.1. - design Internet based lesson plans (LP) - download LP - adapt LP to support the curriculum objectives - visit sites to select LP appropriate for classes

2.2. prepare to help S become responsible users of the Internet

3. New Administrative Responsibilities

3.1. developing and implementing acceptable use policy

3.2. training, developing new evaluation criteria as needed

3.3. addressing parents’ concerns

4. Plagiarism

4.1. S overuse the cut-and-paste technique for grades

4.1.1. affect the ability to obtain knowledge in the long term

4.1.2. limit students creativity

4.2. Solutions: cite research sources/ Plagiarism.org

5. Student Privacy

5.1. Unsecured private information

5.2. endangers lives/ litigation against the school

5.3. Solutions: - Educate S on the anticipated dangers of sharing information. - Parents and teachers supervise students’ online activities

6. Reliance on technology

6.1. Solutions

6.1.1. restrict the amount of time spent on technology devices

6.1.2. educate S on the impacts of techonology overuse

6.1.3. motivate S to improve reading habits