A Global Health Crisis

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A Global Health Crisis par Mind Map: A Global Health Crisis

1. An important step to improve health is to eat a proper breakfast, some believe that skipping breakfast helps you lose weight, but no, what it does is that people eat more during the day.

2. The problem of obesity in the world is caused by the high consumption of soft drinks, choosing healthier drinks with meals can help a healthy lifestyle

3. Adolescents today are healthier than their parents' generation, since people today smoke less and drink less than before. Although people should improve their health in other ways, the best way is to do more sport to avoid an emergency.

4. Young people need to do more exercise whether it is practicing sport or other pastime, although today it is more difficult because there are fewer green areas where people can practice.

5. Poor health can also be the result of a lack of adequate rest, stress can keep people awake which can cause overeating.