How do school districts/administrators prevent burnout for new teachers within the first three ye...

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How do school districts/administrators prevent burnout for new teachers within the first three years? par Mind Map: How do school districts/administrators prevent burnout for new teachers within the first three years?

1. Researcher is the Primary Instrument

1.1. Researchers can use verbal and nonverbal cues and respond accordingly to who they are studying.

1.2. I will be interviewing administrators on how they are supporting their new teachers.

2. Inductive Process

2.1. I have my ideas that lead me to my research question that I want to explore further.

2.2. Researchers use their observations to form their ideas and hypotheses.

3. Flexible and Limited Structure

3.1. Researchers don't start with highly structured research questions and can modify their direction at any time.

3.2. Once I begin my interviews I will be open to change my interview questions and/or decide on a different direction to go with my research.

4. Understand the Meaning

4.1. Researcher must fully understand the phenomenon they are researching to report it.

4.2. The goal of my research will be to understand how beginning teachers are supported in their first years.

5. Richly Descriptive

5.1. Researchers use pictures and words to describe the situations they are studying.

5.2. I will use questions that flow conversationally to enhance the details that come out of the interview.

6. Emphasis on the Process

6.1. Researchers spend plenty of time in what they are studying to see how patterns reveal themselves. It is a scientific process.

6.2. I am involved with school systems and will interview people from the school system that I am currently most involved with. I will conduct more than one interview to get more information.