Internet Threats

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Internet Threats par Mind Map: Internet Threats

1. Awareness

1.1. Tips to Stay Safe Online

1.2. Think before you Click

1.3. Netiquette

1.4. Check the privacy policy page of a website

2. Online Safety and Security

2.1. Risks

2.2. Steps to Cyber Security

2.3. Do not reply or click suspicious emails

2.4. Know the security features

3. Prevention

3.1. Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails

3.2. Avoid visiting Untrusted websites

3.3. Install and update anti-virus

3.4. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites

4. Malware

4.1. Virus

4.2. Worm

4.3. Trojan

4.4. Spam

4.5. Spyware

4.6. Adware

5. Cyber Crimes

5.1. Identity theft

5.2. Phishing

5.3. Pharming

5.4. Cyber bullying