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Freak par Mind Map: Freak

1. Says and how they say it

1.1. He said "die Earthing"

1.2. he says a lot of things from king aurthur.

1.3. he says a lot of big words.

2. Looks: physical appearance

2.1. Very small.

2.2. Has braces on his legs.

2.3. he is a little crippled.

3. Thinks and feels

3.1. Freak may think that people are like giant to him.

3.2. he thinks that Max is very strong.

3.3. he feels very close to king aurther.

4. Effects he has on other characters

4.1. he loves king aurthur.

4.2. he is best friends with Max.

4.3. He makes his mom worried because of his health.

5. Actions/Behavior

5.1. he limps because of his braces on his legs.

5.2. He loves being on top on Max.

5.3. he always keeps a dictionary with him.