the nations of the world

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the nations of the world par Mind Map: the nations of the world

1. australia

1.1. new zealand

1.2. canada

1.3. austria

1.4. tasmania

2. south america

2.1. brazil

2.2. peru

2.3. colombia

2.4. chile

2.5. ecuador

2.6. paraguay

2.7. bolivia

2.8. ...

3. africa

3.1. egypt

3.2. nigeria

3.3. morocco

3.4. angola

3.5. sudan

3.6. ghana

3.7. senegal

3.8. ...

4. europe

4.1. france

4.2. belgium

4.3. portugar

4.4. russia

4.5. italy

4.6. greece

4.7. croatia

4.8. ...

5. asia

5.1. Vietnam

5.2. bunei

5.3. south korea

5.4. japan

5.5. iraq

5.6. qatar

5.7. ....