Why people get lost on presentations?

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Why people get lost on presentations? par Mind Map: Why people get lost on presentations?

1. Because there is so much things happening around that distract them.

1.1. Why are so many things happening around during presentations?

1.1.1. Because there are technical issues regarding the tv, projector, computer, software use. Why there are always technical issues on presentations? Because the presenter had prepared a visual presentation in the differently according to the requirements. Because there is not an universal way of communicating between the hardware and software used on presentations.

1.1.2. Because the space where the presentation is done affects how the presentation is made an percieved.

1.1.3. Because there could be a lot of people reunited in a single place and each movement, sound, action of a individual could be relevant to the rest of the audience

2. Because we have a short attention span.

3. Because the topic doesn't fit with the audience expectations