Adulting Palooza! Decision to move out of Aunt's house and get own apartment - Rhetorical Ecology

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Adulting Palooza! Decision to move out of Aunt's house and get own apartment - Rhetorical Ecology par Mind Map: Adulting Palooza! Decision to move out of Aunt's house and get own apartment - Rhetorical Ecology

1. Texts

1.1. Budgeting spreadsheets I would do to ensure I could afford the transition to living alone.

1.2. Apartment information: including apartment leases, brochures, and reviews

2. Structures

2.1. The overall relationship with aunt and uncle after moving out

2.2. The daily commute and preparedness for having to commit and accommodate to long commutes i.e. waking up early, staying up late prepping food

2.3. Restrictions on time and leisurely freedom

2.4. Daily drained and exhausted feeling due to early morning commutes

2.5. Friendship I share with future roomate

2.6. The monthly/weekly routine of paying bills, buying groceries, and cooking food

3. Texts: creating and understanding the budget that comes with living alone assured me that I can afford to live on my own

4. Events: after almost running into someone during a commute back to my aunt's house, I realised that living closer to campus might be the next big step I needed to take in my adulting career called life

5. Beings

5.1. Esmer and Jorge, aunt and uncle

5.2. Zeke, roomate

5.3. Martha and Martin, mom and dad

5.4. Stephanie and Michelle, sisters

5.5. Friends that live on campus or in Austin

6. Environment

6.1. Surrounding area (not the best) of new apartment complex

6.2. Size of new room in apartment, less space meant that I had to get rid of some things

6.3. The apartment was substantially closer to campus than my aunts house

7. Structure: the great friendship I have with Zeke ensured I was rooming with someone who is not only financially stable, but also easy to communicate and live with

8. Structure: Because the apartment was closer to campus, I wouldnt have to accommodate time to fit in for the commute to campus