The purpose of this inquiry is to explore the educational disparities that exist in relation to ...

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The purpose of this inquiry is to explore the educational disparities that exist in relation to family and community engagement with students of color, primarily Hispanic/Latino students in the educational setting that impacts achievement gaps on standardized test par Mind Map: The purpose of this  inquiry is to explore the educational disparities that exist in relation to family and community engagement with students of color, primarily Hispanic/Latino students in the educational setting that impacts achievement gaps on standardized test

1. TEA- state level annual discipline reports- one year behind- data 16-17 indicates for all areas that Hispanics out number whites and blacks in all areas by more than 50%

1.1. JJAEP expulsions

1.2. Expulsion actions

1.3. DAEP placements

1.4. Out of school suspensions

1.5. In school suspensions

1.6. School based intervention, policy and research

2. Academic Data

2.1. National Assessment of Educational Progress(NAEP)- Trends

2.1.1. Texas-4th grade reading scores -Gap Race/Ethnicity(Hispanic) Stereotyping children and parents of color and setting them up for failure(Yull) Gender Stereotyping Urban-school location Status of students with disabilities English Language Learners(ELL)

2.2. Grades

2.3. Attendance

2.4. Chapter 1 of a dissertation

3. The increase of ethnic and racial segregation

4. Keywords

4.1. Deficit ideology and stereotypical imagery

4.2. Improving Cultural competency among parents

5. Parent school and community involvement

5.1. Teacher perception

5.2. Students perceptions

5.3. Parents perceptions

5.4. Administrator perceptions

5.5. Community perceptions

5.6. District/BOA perceptions

5.7. Six involvement frameworks

5.7.1. Assisting with parenting

5.7.2. Organizing volunteering activities

5.7.3. Involving parent in learning at home activities

5.7.4. Include parents in Denison making

5.7.5. Collaborating with community

5.8. Trust building- How perceived and developed

6. 2015 ESEA(Elementary and secondary schools act) to ESSA (Every students succeeds Act)

6.1. Advances equity by upholding critic protections for high need students

6.2. Requires that a vital information is provided to educators,families, students...through assessments

6.3. Local innovations support- evidence and place based interventions

6.4. Accountability and action for low performing schools

7. Parent Training-evidence based interventions?

7.1. PTA

7.2. Workshop

7.3. Leadership training

7.4. Parent liaison training

7.5. Parent conference(colloquium)

7.5.1. Parent empowerment Community engagement

7.6. District parent training

7.7. Campus training

8. Patterns of Educational Disparities

8.1. Ethnic and Racial

8.2. Gender

8.3. ELL

8.4. Socio economic status

8.5. Teacher Bias

8.6. Health

8.6.1. Spec Education,504,Dyslexia,Mental Health

8.7. Single family homes and grandparents as guardians

9. Policy

9.1. Tomas Rivera Policy Institute