Approaches to Learning

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Approaches to Learning par Mind Map: Approaches to Learning

1. Communication Skills

1.1. exchange info

1.1.1. listening

1.1.2. interpreting

1.1.3. speaking

1.2. literacy

1.2.1. reading

1.2.2. writing

1.3. ICT

1.3.1. media bias

1.3.2. communicate with media

2. Social Skills

2.1. interpersonal skills

2.1.1. interpersonal relationships

2.1.2. social emotional learning

3. Self-management Skills

3.1. organization

3.1.1. goal setting

3.1.2. planning

3.1.3. time usage

3.2. states of mind

3.2.1. mindfulness

3.2.2. perseverance

3.2.3. emotional management

3.2.4. self motivation

3.2.5. resilience

4. Key Considerations

4.1. integration

4.1.1. into classroom culture

4.1.2. into inquiry

4.2. planning

4.2.1. making sure ATL are viewed as TD

4.2.2. vocabulary modeled and scaffolded by Teachers

4.3. teacher assessments

4.3.1. formative/summative within UOI

4.3.2. creation of rubric or continuum

4.4. student reflection

4.4.1. in connection with LP

4.4.2. mapping over time

5. Thinking Skills

5.1. critical thinking

5.1.1. analyze

5.1.2. evaluate

5.1.3. forming decisions

5.2. creative thinking

5.2.1. generate novel ideas

5.2.2. consider new perspectives

5.3. information transfer

5.3.1. using skills and knowledge in variety of ways

5.4. reflection/metacognition

5.4.1. document thinking and reflecting

5.4.2. reflect on learning

6. Research Skills

6.1. information literacy

6.1.1. formulate and plan

6.1.2. gather and record data

6.1.3. synthesize and interpret data

6.1.4. evaluate and communicate

6.2. media literacy

6.2.1. variety of sources

6.2.2. compare sources

6.2.3. identify bias

6.2.4. communicate with media

6.3. ethical use

6.3.1. interpret bias

6.3.2. reliable/unreliable sources

7. Opportunities with the ATL

7.1. more seamless connections with MYP and DP

7.2. less confusing language within PYP

7.2.1. ATL vs. TD skills and TD themes