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Assessment par Mind Map: Assessment

1. Summative

1.1. Definition: measures a student's achievement at the end of instruction.

1.2. Example: State Assessments, District benchmark

1.3. Example: End-of-unit or chapter test, End-of-term or semester test

2. Performance

2.1. Definition: is a form of testing that requires students to perform a task rather than select an answer from a ready-made list.

2.2. Examples

3. Diagnostic

3.1. Definition: Assesses a students strength's, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction.

3.2. Example: Running Records, Writing prompts

3.3. Example: informal reading assessments, and pre- tests

4. Assessments are important because it helps students learn, teachers improve instruction, administrators decide how to allocate resources; and policy makers evaluate the efficacy of education programs.

5. Formative and summative Assessment

6. Formative

6.1. Definition: is the process of gathering evidence of student learning.

6.2. Example: Informal Formative Assessment- Test & Quizzes, essays, lab reports, and journals.

6.3. Example: Formal Formative Assessment- Homework, in class assignments, and quizzes and unit tests.

7. Interim/Benchmark

7.1. Definition: is periodic testing throughout the school year.

7.2. Example: Projects

7.3. Example: written assignments and test.

8. Assessment: is the shared process of gathering purposeful and systematic measurement for documentation reflection and improvement of both student learning and institutional practices.

9. H.O.T Questions

9.1. Opening Questions:

9.1.1. What does the text ask us to do?

9.1.2. What is the theme of this reading?

9.2. Guiding Questions:

9.2.1. How does this idea connect to _______?

9.2.2. What do we already know about _________?

9.3. Closing Questions:

9.3.1. How doe this idea connect to ________?

9.3.2. What can we do with our understanding of this text?