My New Mind Map

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My New Mind Map par Mind Map: My New Mind Map

1. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

1.1. national culture

1.1.1. radios, and cars connected society and helped war strategies and made advertisement easier

1.2. world war 1

1.2.1. when there is a lot of new technology, ill prepared for warfare

1.3. ww2

1.3.1. Atomic bomb was the reason Japan surrendered. They stopped fighting because they realized how dangerous it was and how many people it killed.

1.4. early cold war

1.4.1. sputnik started race space

2. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

2.1. ww2

2.1.1. Japanese Internment Camps held Japanese Americans without consent and violated the Constitution

2.1.2. Women played a more active role in society by producing goods

2.1.3. African Americans proved they were equal by fighting for their country

2.2. CRM

2.2.1. African americans learned that by gaining publicity, support from the government and americans, they were able to receive bills that were passed to congress providing the right to vote

2.3. Vietnam

2.3.1. The hippie movement spread rapidly during the time of the Vietnam War. It was apart of the anti-war movement and consisted of free spirited people looking for freedom and a more spiritual way of living. It was fueled by mainly young people who were willing to protest and begin a new way of life. However, several years later, many of them had to return to normal life because they found that being a hippie was not sustainable.

2.3.2. The returning soldiers from Vietnam did not encounter the same warm welcome home that soldiers from previous wars had received. Instead they were met with hostile protesters and people shouting taunts and disrespect at them. The American people were taking their frustration towards the government out on the soldiers and blaming them. Soldiers themselves even took to protests and threw their medals at Congress. This has not happened since and most likely will not because in hindsight, we have learned that although we may not agree with the governments decisions, the soldiers themselves did their duty to protect the country and deserve respect.

3. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

3.1. violence increased

3.1.1. prohibition law made alcohol illegal and gov lost control over it

3.2. FDR new deals

3.2.1. CCC created government hired jobs that helped build/reconstruct public places. Hired millions, but was controversial if FDR had the power to do it.

3.3. ww2

3.3.1. Many people thought that America was the best place to go, but America was very hesitant to allow everything occurring into their country so Jewish people were stuck

3.4. great society

3.4.1. when the gov decreases taxes and creates large social programs, gov debt will increase

3.5. Plessy v Ferguson

3.5.1. To start a movement, need higher support

4. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

4.1. great migration

4.1.1. african americans began to move up north & take jobs moved because of slavery

4.2. ww2

4.2.1. Many Jewish people attempted to leave the country and fled to other countries so they wouldn't be killed or go through Hitler's cruel treatment and other countries sis not step in early on which could have prevented this

5. 1920s

5.1. African Americans

5.1.1. Harlem Renessiance Artistic, social equality As new people move in, they add to culture

5.1.2. Share cropping Land owner rents out land in exchange for a share of crops

5.1.3. Escape of the Jim Crow laws physical segregation.

5.1.4. 2nd rise of KK Immigration restriction

5.2. Womens progress

5.2.1. Lifestyle Bold makeup, clothes, went out more

5.2.2. education/working ww1 had large impact

5.2.3. Didn't utilize 19th amendment right to vote regardless of gender

5.2.4. no equal rep in gov employment rate was low

5.3. Supply>demand=overfarming

5.3.1. wealthy did amazing, poor was v poor

5.4. Prohibition

5.4.1. law that outlawed manufacturing alc attempt to gain control, failed

6. Battles of WW2

6.1. Battle of France

6.1.1. Germany invaded France, Belguim, Holland fall of western europe If B didn't escape, war would have been over

6.2. Normady

6.2.1. Northern F coast G was expecting Northern attack libertaed F

6.3. Stalingrad

6.3.1. bloodiest battle, turning point MOTIVE: industrial, propaganda, volga river 3 months, G had 90%

6.4. Bulge

6.4.1. Broad front strategy largest land battle in WW2 Hitlers last major offensive attack

6.5. Berline

6.5.1. G vs. R Last major battle Hitler committed suicide

7. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

7.1. world war 1

7.1.1. when the US is involved in foreign affairs to a large extent, it is hard to stay neutral if a major conflict breaks out

7.1.2. forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

7.2. world war 2

7.2.1. causes militarism, alliances, great depression, nationalism, expansion, totalitarianism, treaty of Versailles expansion: several countries wanted world domination, but that caused conflicts

7.2.2. Due to the Great Depression, foreign relations were failing because America was trying to protect themselves

7.3. early cold war alliances

7.3.1. conflict increased due to positive relationships with capitalist countries and negative ones with communist countries

7.4. NATO

7.4.1. created as a defense against SU and as a barrier against communism

7.5. Korean War

7.5.1. Korea got split in half, N communist, S capitalist NK invaded SK, Truman decided to interevene so communism wouldnt take over Successful, pushed NK to china, but china was waiting and attacked. Trapped the US in the mountains

7.6. Vietnam

7.6.1. America's goal was to contain communism which is the main reason why we got involved in the Vietnam war. We thought that if South Vietnam fell to communism than it would cause a domino effect and lead surrounding countries to succumbing to communism.

8. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

8.1. 1920s advertisement increased

8.1.1. swayed people's opinions

8.2. ww2

8.2.1. spread the idea of production, conservation, and investment through posters and advertisement

8.3. Red Scare

8.3.1. McCarthy realized that he can utilize the tv to gain popularity and spread the message

8.3.2. McCarthy realized that he can utilize the tv to gain popularity and spread the message

8.4. Emmett Till

8.4.1. His open casket allowed the rest of the world to see what happened and started the movement

8.5. Vietnam

8.5.1. Singers and song writers during this time created songs with politics in mind rather than pure recreation. A lot of songs put out during this time had a deeper meaning to them relating to the war. Most of them were anti-war such as Give Peace A Chance. It was a song to convince people that peace would be a better option and fighting this war was not getting us anywhere. Lyrics were often analyzed and discussed by civilians and were used to sway peoples opinions. It turned into a form of propaganda for the anti-war movement. The lesson we can take away from this is that media propaganda does not have to be traditional methods and instead can send a message faster and resonate more in something like a song. Music is something almost all Americans listen to and is very influential.

8.5.2. Batman was in Vietnam. Lesson learned? Never underestimate Batman

9. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

9.1. main(causes of war)(m=? a=alliances, i=imperialism, n=nationalism

9.1.1. when leaders focus on main, it disrupts world peace

9.2. FDR vs Hoover

9.2.1. Beginning of GD during Hoover's presidency. He didn't believe it was a crisis and thought it would fix itself. DId nothing to solve it. FDR created his New Deals that were government created organizations designed to get people out of debt. Government hired millions of people but was criticized for being unconstitutional.

9.3. ww2

9.3.1. Militarism and alliances-when powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other countries to join the war. Militarism caused mass destruction for everyone

9.3.2. Radical leaders are more likely to be supported due to the problems and precautions that are being taken to protect their country

9.4. Vietnam

9.4.1. One mistake Nixon made was trying to cover up what was really happening over seas. He lied to the public about the progress of Vietnamization and when the public found out they were not happy. Instead of being straight forward and admitting his plan wasn't working out, he tried to give false information and said that it was going successfully. After this war, the public lost almost all trust in the government to make decisions with the people in mind and to be upright and truthful. To this day, many Americans still don't have full trust in the government. Future presidents should learn from Nixon's mistakes and be as upfront as they can as to not lose the entire country's trust.

9.4.2. Nixon's campaign promise was peace with honor and that things at home would calm down. This encouraged many Americans to vote for him because he was promising what they wanted to hear. Once he became president however, the war did not seem to have a resolution. The public was becoming very angry at his decisions such as ruthlessly bombing villages and vietnamization. They were mad he did not hold true his campaign promise and instead seemed to do the opposite. This devalued future president's words and promises and make the public slower to trust the government's words.

10. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

10.1. 1920 working class

10.1.1. credit debt

10.1.2. increase in salaries, decrease in hours

10.2. prohibition

10.2.1. gov spent a lot of money on trying to make it work but it failed

10.3. great depression

10.3.1. the stock market crashed due to people buying stocks when they were high and selling them when they're low instead of vise versa. Thousands lost a lot of money.

10.4. ww2

10.4.1. people on the home front were more than willing to help with war by conserving, producing, and investing

10.5. mass production

10.5.1. mass produced goods become cheaper

10.6. Bus Boycotts

10.6.1. Bus Boycotts made the american society realize how much african americans are important to the economic growth/decay of america

11. Great depression

11.1. Economic inequality; wealthy was v wealthy, 65% under decent standard of living

11.2. causes

11.2.1. banks failed

11.2.2. inflation excitement increases, price rise above what its worth, loans taken, price lowers, loans unpaid

11.2.3. Farmers overfarming to compensate leads to dust bowl decline in demand/price

11.2.4. buying stocks on margin

11.2.5. debt increases, savings don't

11.2.6. stock market crash

11.3. FDR New Deals

11.3.1. CCC-created public service jobs with board and training

11.3.2. FDIC-insured deposits of 2300

11.4. Hoover-believed it wasn't that bad, didn't take action Roosevelt- took immediate action, may be unconstitutional

12. Cold war

12.1. H-bomb race

12.1.1. 67X more powerful than atomic bomb

12.2. CIA spied

12.3. WARSAW pact w 7 eastern countries

12.4. Eisenhower doctrine stated that the US would defend any middle east country against communist country

12.5. U2

12.5.1. drone that spied but was shot down