Israel's College Experience

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Israel's College Experience par Mind Map: Israel's College Experience

1. Occupations

1.1. Tutor

1.2. Waiter

1.3. Photographer

1.4. Birthright Recruiter

1.5. Masa Campus Ambassador

1.6. NCSY Advisor

2. Internships

2.1. Servicecorps

2.2. Funding Specialist

2.3. Junior Processor

3. Fitness

3.1. QC Workout Room

3.2. Track Runner

4. Summer Fellowships

4.1. TAMID

4.2. Jeanette K Watson Fellowship

5. Professions

5.1. Lawyer

5.2. Investment Banker

5.3. Doctor

5.4. Pilot

5.5. POTUS

6. Study Abroad

6.1. Venice

6.2. Florence

6.3. Sydney

6.4. South Africa

7. Leadership

7.1. President and Founder of Moroccan Cultural Appreciation Club

7.2. Educator in TAMID

7.3. QC Speech and Debate

8. Major

8.1. Finance

8.2. Communications

8.3. Marketing

9. Minor

9.1. Business and Liberal Arts