Game Factory - Farm League: Who are the key stakeholders and what are the key messages for each g...

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Game Factory - Farm League: Who are the key stakeholders and what are the key messages for each group? par Mind Map: Game Factory - Farm League: Who are the key stakeholders and what are the key messages for each group?

1. opportunities

2. Helsinki Games Factory

2.1. Game Factory is an electronic game distributor

2.2. Operate in Europe & U.S.

3. Educational partners

3.1. Key message ideas

3.1.1. Wide talent pools in schools

3.1.2. Succesful teams promote school

3.1.3. Offers students good opportunities

4. Mentors

4.1. Key message ideas

4.1.1. Share your expertise

4.1.2. Meet the next generation of developers New views and ideas

4.1.3. Fulfilment

5. City of Helsinki

6. Media

6.1. Promotion

6.2. Feedback

7. The factory itself

7.1. weakness

7.2. stengths

7.3. threats

8. Developers

8.1. Key message ideas

8.1.1. Constant support Only things required is good idea and dedication

8.1.2. Expert feedback along the way

8.1.3. Existing networks you can utilise

9. Investors

9.1. Key message ideas

9.1.1. Ideas that are being pitched are already proven and approved by industry expert & mentors Gone through many steps and refinement

9.1.2. Get onboard in the early phases of the game Possibilities for big returns if successful Relatively low risk Trusting developers early More dedicated and loyal

10. State

11. Competitiors

11.1. strategy

11.2. goals

11.3. cost and profit

12. consumers

12.1. preference

12.2. feedback

12.3. internationalization and localization