Master II student in Language Teaching Management & Instructional Design

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Master II student in Language Teaching Management & Instructional Design par Mind Map: Master II student in Language Teaching Management   & Instructional Design

1. Instructional Design

1.1. Needs analysis

1.2. Trainings program design

1.3. Training audit and evaluation

2. Competences

2.1. Communication

2.1.1. Group work

2.1.2. Sens of touch

2.1.3. Ability to integrate into new contexts and new situations

2.2. Linguistics

2.2.1. Speaking different languages

2.2.2. French English Arabic Kabyle

3. Projects management and realization

3.1. Needs analysis

3.2. Project design and objectives setting

3.3. specifications reduction and monitoring

3.4. Project and budget management

4. Teaching English

4.1. Teaching techniques

4.2. Courses elaboration

4.3. Educational policy mastery

4.4. Easy adaptation with different levels and types of learners


5.1. Social media

5.1.1. Twitter

5.1.2. Facebook

5.1.3. Instagram

5.1.4. Edmodo

5.1.5. Yahoo

5.1.6. Linkdin

5.1.7. Youtube

5.2. E-learning techniques and tools

5.2.1. Different softwares mastery

5.2.2. Spss

5.2.3. Scenari

5.2.4. Ressources development / distance learning