Communicative Art

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Communicative Art par Mind Map: Communicative Art

1. 1. Learners

1.1. Students

1.1.1. Students with communicative issues

1.2. Teachers

1.2.1. Creators of programs

2. 2. Environment

2.1. Classrooms

2.1.1. Analog and technical labs

2.2. Home

2.2.1. Reinforced support system

3. 3. Program systems

3.1. Tools of the system

3.1.1. Computer aided art programs Different levels of difficutly Badges awarded for success progresion

3.2. Evaluation of system

3.2.1. Effectiveness of system

3.2.2. Evaluated by experts in field

3.3. Goal of system

3.3.1. Create new ways of communication

4. 4. Measurement

4.1. Report

4.1.1. Personal

4.1.2. Students work

4.1.3. Unintended consquences

4.2. Video

4.2.1. Actual work in progress