My Knowledge Map

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My Knowledge Map par Mind Map: My Knowledge Map

1. Where I get my knowledge from

1.1. Listening to others

1.1.1. By listening to others I am able to learn from their own knowledge and their own life experiences

1.2. Reading

1.2.1. I am able to direct the ideas of what I am reading and form my own opinions or relate to it, in books like "Braiding Sweetgrass"

1.3. Nature

1.4. Experiences

1.4.1. I learn how to live in harmony with others by watching how everything in nature interacts and grows together

1.4.2. I have been fortunate enough to travel a bit and have new experiences and experience different cultures. From this I have learned how to respect and appreciate the differences between people.

1.5. Conversations with others

1.5.1. Through talking things over with others I am able to gain a new perspective on things

1.6. People watching

1.6.1. By watching how others interact with each other and their environment around them I learn how to interact with my environment

1.7. Experimenting/Adventure

1.7.1. This teaches me the trail and error process and to always try new things as I can always learn more

1.8. Working with others

1.8.1. By working with others I am able to learn how to work collaboratively

2. How do I assess the validity of my knowledge?

2.1. If I have experienced it, I know that it is true

2.2. If science or math can tell me that it is true

2.3. If I am being told by those older than me from their own experience

2.4. If I do not have another explanation, and it makes sense to me

3. Where do I access my knowledge?

3.1. Through conversation

3.1.1. When I interact with others I am able to access my knowledge that I learn through various times in my life, as well as learn from their. knowledge. An example of this is while being apart of conversations in class I am able to learn from their knowledge as well.

3.2. Going to Church

3.2.1. Through being raised as Catholic I am able to go to my church and access knowledge that way, whether it be through the Bible or the teachings that the priest is teaching me. Although Indigenous ways of knowing are not the same, we are both able to learn through our cultures.

3.3. Internal reflection

3.3.1. By reflecting on everything I learn and everything I am learning I am able to use this knowledge to shape my ethics and my morals, When I am confronted with a tough situation, I am able to to reflection on my morals, ethics, and values to decide which course of action I should take.

4. Who I get my knowledge from

4.1. Coaches

4.1.1. I have learned how to play fairly and learned skills such as teamwork and respect

4.2. Teachers

4.2.1. In IESS I have been given the opportunity to learn about a different culture than my own and different ways of knowing

4.3. Family

4.3.1. Growing up on a tobacco farm my dad always taught me how to respect the land and not take too much. This is similar to some of the teachings I have learned about through IESS

4.4. Friends

4.4.1. They taught me how to love others

5. Where I come from

5.1. I come from a European family that has lived on a family farm for generations. I have multiple different cultural backgrounds which I have knowledge from that shape who I am.

5.2. I come from a middle class family which allows me to have more experience and access different types of knowledge than others

6. Who I am

6.1. Student

6.1.1. Being a student at university these past couple months have given me many new experiences from which I am able to learn and grow. An example of something I have been able to learn by being a student at university is that I have been able to learn about Indigenous ways of knowing through IESS class.

6.2. Friend

6.2.1. I am a friend which gives me the ability to build reciprocal relationships and learn and also share my knowledge with them.

6.3. Daughter

6.3.1. By being a daughter of my parents it has provided me with the ability to learn from them and their life experiences as well as learning about my ancestors.

6.4. Sister

6.4.1. By being a younger sister I am able to talk. to my sisters to share and learn form each others' their life experiences, which is a unique experience.

6.5. Role model

6.5.1. Since I spend a lot of time working wth children, I am able to be a role model for them. They learn from me and I learn from them in our reciprocal relationship.

6.6. Co-worker

6.6.1. From my experiences as being a co-worker at various jobs I am able to learn from my co-workers about not only how to better at doing my job, but also about how to treat others.